As a Beginner, we always struggle to find answers to some questions, when planned to begin Meditation. And these questions are unimportant and are basics of Meditation. What is Mindfulness Meditation? How to start #Begin Mindfulness Meditation? Today, with a small story of one of my students, I would like to […]
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Chakra Series – Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra
As we journey through the body in this series, we take a look at the third chakra – the Manipura chakra – which governs the fire inside of us.
You can find the third or solar plexus chakra somewhere between the navel and the base of the sternum, a couple of fingers above the belly button. You may like to visualise it in the centre of the body, rather than at the front.
In Sanskrit this chakra is called Manipura meaning city of jewels. Together with the first (the root) and second chakra (the sacral) these energy centres are often referred to as the lower triangle. These energies are the clearest and easy to understand.
The components of Manipura
The navel chakra governs the fire element inside of you. It is your strength, your vitality, your ego, your willpower, your stamina, your inner power. It’s the centre where you get things done and your sense of self.
Physical Body:
Digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenals, and liver.
Emotional Body:
The Manipura chakra is also all about being able to deal with things, it’s how you ‘digest’ your life. Can you stand up for yourself? Are you strong and courageous, worthy of love and respect? Do you feel strong in your body and in the world? Fire is action and transformation. Allowing yourself to grow and become a better version of yourself means taking action and leaving behind what no longer works for you.
Fire is action and transformation. Allowing yourself to grow and become a better version of yourself means taking action and leaving behind what no longer works for you.
Mental Body:
Being free to choose your path in any situation, being proud of your achievements and being the master of your own destiny. To know where you’re going and how to get there. To understand you have the strength to achieve your goals.
Due to stress in any layer of the body (physical, mental, emotional and energetic), you can slow down, stagnate or completely go into overdrive. When life gets too overwhelming and you’ve experienced a couple of significant experiences one after the other, it can be difficult to process. So we might feel our fire is not burning as strongly, we need time to ‘digest’ what has happened. Therefore, it may be hard to get out there and deal with everyday situations, because you are simply already full.
Getting to know your body and its different layers and learning about the chakras can give you valuable insight into where you have imbalances and stagnation.
Checklist for the third chakra
- Do you feel you can do anything you set your mind to?
- Do you digest your food easily? Or do you suffer from indigestion and an upset stomach?
- Is your energy stable and do you wake up in the morning eager to start the new day?
- Is there enough spice in your life? Things that make you feel excited and want to do things.
- Do you feel your life has too many toxic elements in it?
- Do you always feel tired?
- Do you get snappy easily?
- Do you feel like a victim of the world?
The Solar Plexus Chakra
Between the naval and the sternum is the third chakra, represented by a golden yellow color that gives us the energy to make the choices and decisions that lead us to our goals. The symptoms of a closed solar plexus chakra are feelings of insignificance and voicelessness, or having little faith in one’s own opinions, goals or dreams. Conversely, blockages in the third chakra can also create a sense of false confidence
An Introduction to Mudras
Yoga allows you to find an inner peace that is not ruffled and riled by the endless stresses and struggles of life.
– Jerry Hansen
Philosophy of Mudra Therapy
The natural sciences of Mudra therapy believe that the five fingers correspond to the five basic elements viz. Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. • Thumb – The fire (Agni) • Index finger – The air (Vayu) • Middle finger – The ether (Aakasha) • Ring finger – The earth (Prithvi) • Small finger – The water (Jala) So as to bring back the balance in the five elements, there are some specific methods of touching and aligning the fingers with each other. These are referred to as ‘Hast-Mudras’ and this easy and doable therapy may be practiced anytime as an augmented relief from your malady as well as a handy tool for restoring your wellness.
Mudra Therapy: Hand Alignments for Holistic Health.
Your health & wellness is in your hands! Our hands are particularly blessed with virtues of wellness. The four fingers and the thumb represent the five major building blocks or the ‘Panchamahabhootas’ of which the entire universe is made viz. Sky (Ether), Air, Fire, Water and Earth. According to natural sciences, disease is nothing but a limitation that emerges in the continuity and balance of these five elements.
Dhyana Mudra
In this Mudra, you simply need to overlap your left hand with the right hand and keep steady in your lap. This alignment of the hands also tends to soothe your tensed up nerves. Practice this regularly to combat the everyday stress and strain and also for meditation. Varuna Mudra This Mudra is formed when you touch the tip of your little finger to that of your thumb. As specified earlier, the little finger represents the water element. Thus, the Varuna Mudra is particularly beneficial for dehydration. This may be also practiced for dry skin problems and it also works as natural blood purifie.
Zazen” practice gives solid experience of “Dzogchen” Rigpa. There is no more stronger practice for is very strong meditation practice and the original practice of historical Buddha, Tathagata himself. Zazen is indeed like a light of Sun, Buddhas zazen is infinite.It is practiced in padma-asana with dhayani mudra (dhyana=zen).
The Secrets To A Strong Core and Radiant Health
Inspired by Wim Hof, aka ‘The Iceman’, Esther offers a routine that will help strengthen your core and give you radiant health. In this article I’d like to discuss and outline a routine, inspired by the Dutch ‘Iceman’, Wim Hof and his cold training method. This simple routine involves Pranayama, a […]
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