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What is Chakra Breathing and How to Practice?

There are various breathing techniques in yoga that help you to channelize your energy in the right direction. Each breathing techniques in yoga has got its significance. Among all the breathing techniques, Chakra breathing is one of the powerful meditation that makes you aware of seven chakras in the body. Before you start the practice of chakra breathing, it is important to bring awareness to the chakras. Learning the art of yoga and meditation is an integral part of yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

It is only possible by focusing one’s attention on the chakras and merely noticing the feelings in the area of the energy level. Just by focusing on the flow of energy, it is possible to bring your mind with a connection to the body.

The Chakra Breathing

Mantra and Color for Chakra Breathing Practice.

With the presence of chakras in the body, it is the convergence of energy, emotions, and physical body. With these chakras, our consciousness gets projected through these wheels, and this largely determines what we experience in reality. By working intensely on these chakras, we can deeply open all the blockages. This technique is active and uses deep breathing with body movement. This breathing is accompanied by musical sounds to open and bring awareness to the body and mind. As we breathe deeply in Chakra, it helps you to connect your body and charge the Chakras with energy.

There are seven chakras in the body listed below: –

(1.) Base Chakra: It is situated at the bottom of the spine.

(2.) Sacral Chakra: It lies 2 inches below the navel.

(3.) Solar Plexus Chakra: The bottom points where both our lungs join each other.

(4.) Heart Chakra: This Chakra is situated in the middle of the chest area.

(5.) Throat Chakra: It is located in the middle of the throat.

(6.) 3rd Eye Chakra: It lies between two eyes.

(7.) Crown Chakra: It is situated on the top of the head.

Procedure to Practice

(1.) Before you start to get to a comfortable position with empty lungs and breathe out with the effort.

(2.) Inhale air through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Concentrate on your Root Chakra and chant the mantra ”Laamm.” With the chanting of mantra, you feel the vibration and let the sound flow freely. Repeat the process for some time.

(3.) Keep inhaling and exhaling, but this time, try to concentrate on the second chakra and chant the mantra “Vaamm.”

(4.) After the second chakra goes on, the third chakra known as solar chakra and chants the mantra “Raamm.”

(5.)  The fourth chakra is Heart Chakra and chant “Yaamm.”

(6.) The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra and chants the mantra “Haamm.”

(7.) The sixth chakra Third Eye Chakra and chant the mantra “Shaamm to Ommm.”

(8.) Crown Chakra is the last and seventh chakra. Chant the mantra “Ommm” or “Aangg.”

The Bottom Lines:

If you wish to know more about Chakra Breathing, Mudras, Asanas and other related practices, you need a right practitioner as your guru.

Keeping your chakras open during the practice can be challenging, but it is not so difficult the moment you are aware of yourself. Chakra breathing is one of the best techniques to channelize your energy in the right direction as well as connect your mind, body and soul.

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2 thoughts on “What is Chakra Breathing and How to Practice?

  1. Love this basic yet powerful way to breathe into the Chakras. Currently studying for my 200HR YTT and although online its taken me quite a while to finish, but nonetheless, always willing to read more about the Chakras and how to balance them! So thank you for this well written blog! Namaste 🙏🕉📿🧘🏻‍♀️

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