Yoga Poses For Office Workers You Can Do At Your Desk

When you’re slouching at work for more than eight hours, your body might suffer from aching back, neck pain, and tight shoulders and hips. Research shows that standing and walking are more essential for most office workers than sitting all day.
We know that you face many obstacles at work, such as lack of energy, stress, and many tasks. But, office yoga has proven many advantages in relieving stress, increasing your energy, and maintaining calmness in your mind.
If you have the habit of sitting at your work throughout the day, doing some yoga poses may take some time. But, remember that changing your old practice will benefit you in general, so you should also apply the workstation ergonomics best practices.
Assuming that you want to learn, luckily, we’re here to teach yoga poses for office workers that you can do at your desk.
Stretch Your Fingers and Wrists
Working on your computer all day is a tough job for your fingers and wrists. That’s because you need to sit all day facing your computer and typing on your keyboard just to finish the daily task. However, you can do some yoga at your desk to relieve yourself from hectic typing.
While sitting at your desk, take the fingertips of your right hand into the palm of your left hand. Now, stretch the same arm to the front at the level of your shoulder. After doing that, smoothly drag your fingers down, facing the back of your wrist until you sense a slight stretch. Switch hands after you count from one to ten.
This yoga exercise can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. You can teach this yoga to your officemates who type on their computer all day.
Side Stretching
Stretch your right arm toward the other side, and stretch as much as possible from your right hip through your right underarm.
You can face your palm to the left side and stare upward to your hands until you feel the slight stretch. That should create a space between your ears and shoulders. You can do this yoga in the office to eliminate back or neck pain during the eight-hour shift.
Chair Yoga
Distance your feet about the hip-width level and curve your knees. Sit your back and hips down as you take the weight of your whole body to your soles. Look down to ensure that you can see the tips of your digits. If you can’t see your digits, bring your hips back about two inches to guard your knees. After that, extend your arm towards your head and stretch it as much as you can.
Constantly doing these desk yoga poses can help you maintain a good posture of your body and avoid any neck pains during your work.
Standing Desk Yoga
This yoga for desk workers is simple and very effective to do. It is essential, especially if your job is standing all day. Move apart your feet for about one to two inches and stand while your feet are apart from each other.
Send your arms forward onto the desk surface and imagine that you are forming a right angle. Keep extending your hands forward unbend until you can feel a slight stretch through your upper back, chest, and shoulders.
If you’re worried about your legs, don’t be. That’s because your knees can be straight or bent, and this stretching is focusing on your shoulders. As you do this, hold your breath for three to five counts.
Remember that yoga at your desk is vital to make sure that you get through the day without any back and neck pain or any tight hips and shoulders.
Try Top 10 Yoga Asana Sitting on Your Chair
Chair Bitilasana and Marjaryasana
Chair Urdhva Hastasana
Chair Ardha Matsyendrasana
Chair Utthita Parsvakonasana
Chair Uttanasana
Chair Adhomukh Swanasana
Chair Veerbhadrasana I
Chair Veerbhadrasana II
Chair Parivrtit Utkatasana
Chair Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
Chair Tadasana
Chair Extended Side Angle
Chair Spinal Twist.
Pandemic restrictions are starting to ease in many places around the world, allowing workers to start returning to their former office lives.
Office Spaces are starting to reopen.
Are you ready?
Do you wish to know how to perform such Chair Yoga Asana at your desk or your Home. Read and watch more on here – Chair Yoga Book
Benefits – Opens and stretches tight back muscles, releases tension in shoulders, chest, arms and neck, facilitates deeper breathing, improves circulation to upper body, including heart and lungs, reduces overall stress, increases energy and more.
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