Yoga has enormous benefits on physical and mental health. People who are suffering from chronic and non-communicable diseases get cured by practicing yoga. Regular practice stimulates the organs and improves metabolic activity.
There are five states in yogic practice; the first is strengthening and optimizing the body’s vital functions. The second is a relaxed body aids in a meditative mind. The third is, yogic practice is pranayama, which keeps calm both mind and body. The Fourth state is Dhayana, which releases negative thoughts from the mind. The fifth state of yogic practice is Samadhi.
In yoga, there are different types of yoga asanas, which are quite hard to practice. Many yoga poses need core strength and balance to attempt such poses. The good things about these yoga asanas are they are powerful and have enormous benefits, among other asanas.
Here are the lists of top 20 most difficult yoga asana postures you must practice.
1.Headstand (Sirsasana)
Headstand considered one of the most intricate yoga poses, among others. As it requires balance and focuses on standing on hand. Regular practice of Sirsasana strengthens the back, thighs, shoulders, improves balance, and increases blood circulation.
2.The yoga sleep pose (Yoganidrasana)
This pose is for those who have already completed their intense 200-hour yoga teacher training and have a flexible body now.
Yoganidrasana is a forward-bending asana has found in Hatha yoga. One can calm the mind, increase flexibility, and aids in digestion.

3.Eight- Angle pose
The eight-angle pose is also the hardest to perform. It is challenging as you need to hold your body in the air close to the ground. Those who have a flexible body and maintain balance can able to do this posture.
4.Crow Pose(Kakasana)
Though it seems easy to hold crow pose, it isn’t easy to perform. Kakkasana is the 10th posture among 12 poses in Hatha yoga that strengthens your arms and shoulders and improves your focus.

5.The Plow (Halasana)
The Plow posture is also a difficult pose that helps to relax a practitioner when done perfectly. Regular practice aids in digestion and effective for weight loss. Moreover, it is beneficial for diabetic people and cures the symptoms of menopause.
6.Formidable Face Pose ((Gandha Bherundasana)
The formable face pose is one of the most complicated yoga postures and is only recommended for advanced yoga practitioners. To practice this yoga pose, you must have a flexible body and maintain balance and strength.
7.The Corpse Pose(Shavasana)
It seems the corpse pose looks easy to practice, But don’t be deceived by the posture. It mainly practices at the end of a yoga session to reenergize the body. To do Shavasana, you need to focus on the body to be placed in a neutral position entirely.
8.One-Handed Tree Pose(Eka Hasta Vrksasanav)
This one-handed tree pose develops stability in the wrist and elbows, strengthening the arm and abdominal muscles. It is challenging for even those who have high balance and strength. The other obstacle, while practicing this asana, is to control those variables while reversed.
9.Destroyer of the Universe (Kala Bhairavasana)
Destroyer of the universe pose is a superior yoga pose, which is mainly devoted to Lord Shiva. To practice it, you must have flexibility in your hips, hamstring, and require intense mental focus to maintain the balance. Include this asana in your fitness regime helps you to builds the abdominal and arm muscles.
10.Side Plank Pose(Vasisthasana)
This side plank pose is also considered as tricky as it requires a focus on body alignment. Vasisthasana portrays more profound attention as the body must balance on one side of the shoulders, hips, and feet. While practicing this asana, you must be aware of your changes or shift in the spine to prevent the injury to the shoulders and wrists.
11.Eagle Pose(Garudasana)
Garudasana is another demanding asana, among others. As a twisting yoga posture, the practitioners stretch, wrap their hands and feet to unravel body, mind, and spirit.
12.Head To Foot Pose(Sirsa Padasana)
Sirsa Padasana is an advanced back-bend combined with a headstand and performs in a prone position. It additionally involves inversion, back-bend, and balance to attain this position. It requires intense mental focus to practice this asana.
13.Wounded Peacock(Pungu Mayurasana)
This pose initially seems like Peacock. It is an advanced arm-balancing posture that develops strength in the shoulders arms and wrists. It is considered hard as it requires energy to float the body above and parallel to the ground.
14.Scorpion Pose Variation(Sayanasana)
Sayanasana is an advanced inversion posture that strengthens shoulders, elbow, and back. It is one of the asanas that is a practice in the fourth series of Ashtanga yoga.
15.Handstand Scorpion(Taraksvasana)
It is one of the most difficult postures that require intense balance, enormous strength, and a flexible body. Regular practice of this asana improves balance while strengthening your abdominals, back muscles, and shoulders.
16.Fallen Angel Pose(Devaduuta Panna Asana)
Fallen angel pose is an advanced level yoga pose and variations of side crow pose. While this posture requires the body is in a twisted form, and one leg is lifted upwards at the shoulder level. It helps you to power the body movement in an elegant way, even when letting go from the posture.
17.Bound Side Crow Pose (Parsva Bakasana)
Bound slide crow pose is also an incredible posture, and only advanced practitioners can do. It requires intense focus on a sequence of the upper body and requires strength before embarking upon Parsva Bakasana.
18.One Legged Forearm Wheel (Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana)
It is a multi-step pose that adds the challenge of having one leg extended up into the air. It has various benefits as the entire front body gets stretched.

19.Cow Face Pose(Gomukhasana)
Cow Face Pose is a seated yoga posture that is mainly practiced in Hatha yoga. It seems easy, but not as it requires core strength to stretch your hands to meet behind your back. Cow face pose is good for hips, ankles, arms, chest to correct the body postures and brings flexibility.
20.Split-Leg Handstand(Parivrttaikapada Sirsasana)
It is the most complex twisting handstand that requires core strength to maintain balance for holding this posture for a while. Handstand is considered the most difficult yoga asana, among others, and splitting legs makes the pose more challenging.
In conclusion
Understand the physical aspect of each yoga asana is not as easy as it seems. Several yoga poses are quite difficult to practice. From headstand, wheel pose to handstand, they are tough to perform. One can need yoga teachers to gain flexibility and strength to practice these asanas. Otherwise, you will get injured yourself while trying alone.
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Is hindu gods always fight vs evil?
Not on Sundays though!🤨
Not at all
Every religion teach fight with evil.It remain in your chitta(mind)which develop negative thoughts, these thoughts lateron develop many deseases.Yoga is only the pathway to gain the peace of mind and to make desease less body.Our all religion come from hath and Raj yoga.
The body is simply a vehicle for the soul, which rests in the prana-vayus. Yoga and the system of Ashtanga yoga is meant to control the movement of these prana-vayus to free the soul from the present to wherever it desires, it may even go to Brahma-loka and even to Vaikuntha Loka if the individual decides so.
But, such talent and advancement on the Path of Raja-Yoga is very rare; Unfortunately many focus on bettering the body, which is simply a disgusting bag of pus, stool, blood, etc.
So, despite the health benefits yoga has, it was not originally designed for this purpose. Health benefits are only a side-effect of practicing Raja-yoga.
But the intelligent person focuses on the yoga of the soul, bhakti-yoga, instead of trying to make the body appear healthy, as yogis nowadays are doing. After all, the body will crumble and decompose after the soul’s departure from it, but the soul is eternal, he is not slain when the body is slain.
Yes if you did not believe then try this with pure Hindu😶
Yoga is very important for daily life. Because it is a great way to get exercise. You explained very well in this blog. Thanks for sharing such amazing stuff.
Very useful
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hiiiii it helped me ima yoga fan
I wondered how come this yoga would reduce one’s weight and perform good mentally until I try doing it. I thought of giving it a try in this lockdown to see any improvement physically. But I end up getting positive changes mentally. Glad I have gone through this blog and I am going to follow atleast 5 best yoga poses for weight loss. Now I don’t feel like quitting.
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