Ashtanga Yoga | Vinyasa Flow | Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga | Vinyasa Flow | Hatha Yoga

What is Marijuana and How It is Used?

Marijuana is a mixture of dried out leaves of the hemp plant is also called weed or cannabis. Rather than smoking it like a cigarette, it can be used with plenty of other ways.

It is not just a gimmick; marijuana products are now medically available in 29 states of the USA.

Historic Connection 

Historically, marijuana used for ancient yoga practice. But the practice of yoga is far more than moving, stretching, and breathing. In order to use cannabis in yoga practice, ayurvedic practitioners often use it to overcome self-sabotage and pain. Both yoga and marijuana have embedded in a meditative process in India for thousands of years.

The link between yoga and cannabis is not known. But it is believed that Lord Shiva rejuvenated the energy after consuming marijuana. Therefore, it is poured over the idol of Shiva in temples to calm him. In particular ancient Hindus, uses cannabis to become enlightenment

In modern days use of marijuana

Since many yoga asanas have made in tantric cultures, use of cannabis has increased in modern hatha yoga to deepen the yoga practice. Smoking marijuana or consume bhang during yoga classes helps you to create harmony between body, mind, and spirit.

hatha yoga

Sometimes people find it difficult to release their daily stress; therefore, cannabis helps de-stress, increases focus, and mindfulness during yoga classes. The aspect of yoga is to attain a goal, and marijuana prepares the body to enter into a more meditative state. Hence, Ganja yoga has launched in October in San Francisco, and each class starts with a smoking session.

Use in Tantra Yoga 

Tantra Yoga uses unorthodox techniques to create a connection with the universe. The tantric practice intentionally uses cannabis with sex in order to achieve enlightenment.

Benefits of marijuana in yoga

Marijuana enhances yogis in many ways. There are many befits of consuming it during yoga classes. Particularly country like Californian mainstream embraced this idea as an ultimate mind-body workout.

It aids in relaxation.

Yoga and marijuana help in increasing focus, so you are aware of what is happening in your life. In other words, they both improve your concentration and bring you to the present moment as well as reducing anxiety throughout the yoga practice.

Other health benefits 

A study shows that both yoga and marijuana has its own medical benefits. Like regular yoga classes, cannabis classes also include downward dogs, cobras, and a child’s poses.

Researchers have praised these two as it reduces stress, lowering blood pressure, reducing chronic pain, and aids in sleeping.

In Conclusion 

Practicing yoga with marijuana is a new trend; it has many benefits. From intensifying meditation, engagement with the poses, it helps you to connect deeply with body, mind, and spirit.

At Mantra Yoga & Meditation School, we provide the best yoga training to all levels of practitioners. For more details, call us at 91-9958672399 or drop an email to us at

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