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Ashtanga Yoga | Vinyasa Flow | Hatha Yoga

What is the Vegan Movement around the World

Vegan Food

Veganism is the practice of cutting out the use of animal products, and the movement began in Nov.1944. Donald Watson coined the term “vegan,” and also he was the founder of the Vegan society. Veganism has become a hot topic, and now the search for it has grown exponentially. Millions of vegans have an upsurge in western countries like the United States and Europe.

Now, it is predictable that more and more people embrace the vegan lifestyle in a few years.

The reason behind veganism has blown up in popularity is because to take moral values of non-violence seriously. Most importantly, the Vegan movement teaches empathy and how one should choose humanity overkilling.

Here are a few practical reasons why many people choose veganism all around the world. We will explain to you what vegan movement is and how it’s changing the way of life.

What is the Vegan Movement

Veganism is a way of living and the practice of excluding all forms of exploitation to animals for food or any other purpose. For instance, Buttermilk or ice-cream, carry leather bags, or wear wool in winter are all made up of animal products. Veganism is a life-changing transformation that is completely free of any religion, violence, and cruelty.

Reasons why people choose veganism 

Health and weight management 

Health and weight management are the main reasons. Therefore many people are choosing vegan over any other diet. As much as yoga has upsurge worldwide, it influences yoga enthusiasts to turn into veganism. Therefore, many practitioners now prefer vegan food during their yoga teacher training program to reap benefits as much as possible. Practicing yoga also includes vegan food, which highly preferable by many yogis.

remedies to treat Coronavirus

Food-related illnesses have been on the rise. About 75 percent of all human diseases are emerging from animals. Today the world is fighting with a deadly disease like Coronavirus, and still, we are in the gloom. The COVID-19 spread in Wuhan was infected with the deadly virus passed from animals to humans. As of now, there is no cure and treatment for this Pandemic disease. But there is always a hope to get remedies to treat Coronavirus and improve lifestyle. With a vegan diet, we can boost the immune system and prevent the spread of such pathogens from animals to humans.

The restaurant industry prefers Vegan. 

vegan restaurants

More than a fleeting fad, vegan food has also been noticed in many hotels. As we mentioned above, the yoga industry has influenced many industries, including restaurants, too. In recent years, the number of growing vegan cuisine has been increasing all over the world. Countries like Indonesia and India, the two places are well known for yoga, now filled with many vegan restaurants. In order to prevent many animal slaughter and increasing diseases, many restaurants prefer vegan food.

In Conclusion 

In recent years, veganism is rising not only to save animal slaughter but to change the way of living. Practice yoga and embracing vegan diets are a great way to improve life and to choose a path towards well being. Also, it helps you to choose kindness over the killing.

To learn more about the vegan diet and how it incorporates yoga, you can join our Yoga teacher training School in Rishikesh. For more details, feel free to call us at 91-9958672399 or drop an email to us at

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