Ashtanga Yoga | Vinyasa Flow | Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga | Vinyasa Flow | Hatha Yoga

Top 20 Most Difficult Yoga Asana Posture

Yoga has enormous benefits on physical and mental health. People who are suffering from chronic and non-communicable diseases get cured by practicing yoga. Regular practice stimulates the organs and improves metabolic activity. There are five states in yogic practice; the first is strengthening and optimizing the body’s vital functions. The second […]

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What is Marijuana and How It is Used?

Marijuana is a mixture of dried out leaves of the hemp plant is also called weed or cannabis. Rather than smoking it like a cigarette, it can be used with plenty of other ways. It is not just a gimmick; marijuana products are now medically available in 29 states of the […]

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Yoga Asana for Sexual Power

Yoga Asana for Sex Power The splendid beauty of yoga has grown exponentially due to its numerous health benefits and contributes kindness to the world. From improving body flexibility, look younger to increase concentration, it also improves sex life. As yoga is a holy union of body, mind and spirit, it […]

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Basic Terminology used in Yoga Anatomy

Yoga creates harmony between body, mind, and spirit. It is an ancient practice that is synced with breathing. As yoga is a profound term, it is necessary to understand more about the anatomy of yoga. It is also essential to know how different asanas improve your body’s alignment connect with breath […]

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Top-rated Meditation School in India

Along with the chaos and sufferings of your life, you often neglect the power of meditation in your life. Meditation, in its purest form, gets along with numerous processes in your mind that heals you intellectually. It is not about throwing yourself away and becoming something better. It is all about […]

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What is Tantra Yoga

Yoga is a holy union that creates harmony between body, mind, and spirit. Through the practice of various yoga asana, one can fuse with the universe. As per Hinduism, Lord Shiva is considered the first practitioner. In the text of the VigyanBhairava, he revealed 112 techniques of yoga to enter into […]

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